Nothings the same

There are fingerprints everywhere, each petals veins, each feather, every tree canopy, every piece of bark. We all walk around trying to find our kin, the exact copies of ourselves but we fear we will never find it. We so desperately don’t want to feel alone, alone in our pain, our shame, our fears, our passions, our dreams. We want to go with someone. To not be responsible for a different idea, belief, journey, one we will have to go on alone. Noone may ever agree with us and it’s this that freezes us. The fear of autonomy. The beautiful thing is when we know ourselves more we are more likely to greet those whose feet are wondering in solitude too. And we open the door to be unique with each other. We honour and respect that as we do in ourselves. Then we realize we aren’t truly alone just different, in different places. And everyone is in the same predicament. And when we connect it’s real and true but we don’t sacrifice ourselves to be stuck like glue. We are free to roam, free to be, free to find truth eventually. And it is there we will greet affinity with each other. It’s not about being the same as each other or the world but joining in truth, which is far bigger.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 16 – 2024)

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