Tag Archives: And

Doubt and Trust

Doubt argued with trust
“Well how do I know that’s true?” Doubt said.
“Have they done it before?” Replied trust.
“No, but there’s a first for everything” Doubt reasoned.
“Have they been real with you?” Trust asked.
“Yes, up until now…” Doubt said solemnly.
“And do they care about you?” Trust continued.
“Yes they seem to, but it could be a disguise.” Doubt worried.
“Well, they have given you no reason to doubt them.” Trust reassured.
“But…” Said doubt.
“No buts. You want to doubt so you don’t get hurt like before.” Trust said compassionately.
Doubt cried.
Trust gave doubt a hug.
” You might get hurt again, but you’ll always have me to cry on.” Trust smiled.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 22 – 2024)


I wish I was as confident
as a mountaineer or astronaut.
That I could set my sights so high,
reaching for the stars and clouds
and touching them as I rise.

But really I’m as confident
as a rabbit in the long grass,
looking for anywhere to hide.
My trembling steps don’t leave the
My dreams are immobilized.

But if I were as confident
then you would see a rabbit try,
to thump their feet so hard
that they soar into the sky.
Maybe courage is the start.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 18 – 2024)

Huffin and Puffin

You know when you hear that huff
it’s time to run,
and as gracefully as a swan you slide out the door and disappear.
You hear the huffin and puffin getting nearer,
and like a panicked chicken you look for a way out.
But you’re cornered.
And the potoo’s mouth opens like a vacuum
and huffs all over you.
And in self defense or madness
you huff at them back,
as a mimicking parrot, in hopes
the storm won’t come your way.
But this angers them more and
with eagle eyes, they swoop
and breathe hot air all over you.
You stand upright dishevelled
like an owl caught in a tempest
and turn your head 180 degrees.
Then the huffins done and the puffin
walks away quite happily.
“Twit twoo” you say, staring vacantly,
feeling as heavy as an ostrich
and as unfortunate as a dodo.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 15 – 2024)

Wish you were Here

Hi there,
My feet haven’t traveled that far,
but emotionally I’ve been down long paths, through dark valleys
and am currently climbing a mountain.
I haven’t reached the top yet,
will send you another postcard of
the view when I do!
But the progress is quite beautiful,
wish you could see it,
Bye for now.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 7 – 2024)

Adult Children

Sometimes when we change we have to go back to a child again. Through layers of expectation and judgments. Learning things we already knew but in a different way. Something was missed and we go back to relearn it. That can feel humiliating as an adult, so we avoid letting go and embracing the flow of change. Learning to care for yourself but this time with love. Learning to walk again but this time with purpose. Whether through circumstance or choice. In order to heal the onion needs to be peeled back to reveal the cause in the child we once were. Where it started, the place we should have grown but we didn’t. Moments of gratitude that went over our heads in a whirlwind of chaos. Trauma that got tied up and dragged behind us. Never felt and never free. Let’s not judge adults who are brave enough to go backwards into the child and relearn because we ought to follow them.

Laura Berry


When you heal, things shift
People disappear, even close ones
What happens to you changes
The environment morphs and rearranges
There is a time in-between
Where there is silence and unease
Like time has stopped
But then starts moving in another direction
Colours seem more rich
While your destination is unknown
But you know inside it’s better
You feel lighter while the old drops away
To be replaced by a space that’s new
When we heal, our world moves
And who comes with us will change
Dependent on their soul moving too
The shift is good and true
No need to resist it
A better place awaits for you

Laura Berry

Finest Hour

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
If you can stand up tall when they want you to cower
Then let this be your finest hour

When fists of aggression drum your heart
When judgements make you tilt and sway
Yet you are centered and you stay

As the lies are written across your back
Then they sit at your feet, look up and stare
And silence greets them there

And they latch onto your arm like a heavy weight
But you walk forward as light as a feather
Then you have ridden the storm and made peace with the weather

If you let your fear run through your core
And your grief is wet upon the floor
And you are still standing where you were before
But lighter

Then you have won

Laura Berry

Tear Ducts

We all have tear ducts in the corner of our eyes,
such a small thing, but the biggest gift of our lives.
No matter what we go through, hurt, joy or shame,
we all have these flood gates just the same.
A conduit of release that if we used every day
our lives and the world would be heaven today.
For even the maddest man will lower his fists in grief
when the pain he is carrying exits in tears of relief.
And the once hollow wells will glisten and shine
and sparkle in warmth for the very first time.
If only we used our tear ducts more and
let our souls waters cascade to the floor.
No one would get hurt anymore
and love would flow into our lives.

Laura Berry

Sea of Grief

If every drop in the ocean was a humans tear,
every boat would be supported by grief
bobbing and weaving through the salted waves.
Being swept to new lands through heart felt release
on soul cleansing glorious tides of joy and pain.
The vastness of water reminds me
how much emotion is in the hearts of humanity.
Here the sea welcomes the tears freely
no need to hide them, lets ride them to freedom.
The droplets of humility arc over the surfers
a glimpse through the eyes filmy lens,
a glass tunnel found in a brave moment,
cutting through waves of grief.
While the divers swim to its heart and explore
every living thing no matter how ugly or beautiful.
They get to know grief inside and out with wonder.
While most of us gaze at the surface and feel daunted
by the endless view,
but water always makes space for life.
The sea of grief is a powerful movement to love.
The sun glints upon each precious tear
as they ripple in the dawns welcome
where all hearts are held.

Laura Berry