Tag Archives: Tolerance

“You have to be more tolerant.”

I am not tolerant of abuse
Why should I be?
I am not tolerant of
Trying to fit in where
I am not wanted
I am not tolerant
Of people who demand
Ostracise and gloss over me
Like my experience has no value
Like my time and effort
Is worth so little
If you don’t want my voice
My creativity, my soul
Then don’t invite me
If all you are going to do
Is hurt me
Then I’ll uninvite myself
No more thing to laugh at
Maim, judge, dismiss, hate
My soul is worth some more to me
I may be angry right now
But this won’t change
I would rather be alone
Then stay this way.
No I am not tolerant
And I never will be.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo, Day 7, 2022)